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Are You Targeting the Right Keywords? Google Ads & Bing Ads

Are you targeting the right keywords Google Ads & Bing Ads

In today’s digitally-driven world, keywords are more than mere words; they are the backbone of search engine optimization or any SEM and play a pivotal role in connecting businesses with their potential audience. By targeting the right keywords in Google Ads or for SEO,  your company can enhance their online visibility and reach customers at different stages of their purchasing journey.

Simplifying the Meaning of Top, Middle, Bottom Funnel Keywords

These keywords can be categorized into three main types:

  • Top of the Funnel Keywords: Awareness stage; The start of the buying process for a customer; Typically high volume
  • Middle of the Funnel Keywords: Consideration stage; The customer is in the “Comparing” stage of the buying process; Moderate Search Volume.
  • Bottom of the Funnel Keywords: Decision stage; The customer knows what he needs to solve his “problem” and is looking for a company or a product that fits his needs; Low search volume; Higher conversion rates compared to “Top” and “Middle of the Funnel” keywords.

Each category serves a distinct purpose in moving potential customers through the sales funnel.

The Need for the Right Keyword Funnel Strategy

If your company does not use the right strategy for targeting keywords, your business is at risk of losing valuable leads and customers. A tailored approach ensures that the content reaches the right audience at the right time, nurturing them from mere interest to conversion.

Quick Explanation About A Sales Funnel

The sales funnel is a metaphor to describe the journey of a buyer, from the initial awareness stage through interest, consideration, intent, evaluation, and finally, the purchase or the service. It’s a system that gives a general approach for understanding and catering to the customers’ needs and desires at various stages. 

Importance of Targeting Different Stages of the Funnel

  • Awareness: Customers might learn about your product or service through advertising, social media, word-of-mouth, or other marketing channels.
  • Interest: Potential customers show interest in a product or service and begin by researching it further. They might visit your website, read reviews, or engage with content related to the product.
  • Consideration: Potential customers evaluate the product or service and compare it to other competitors. They most likely will consider factors like price, features, benefits, and competitors.
  • Intent: Potential customers have a clear intention to purchase but may still have some unanswered questions. They might seek additional information, request a demo, or engage with a sales representative.
  • Evaluation: Potential customers closely evaluate your product or service, perhaps through a trial or detailed comparison with competitors. They are close to making a purchase or requesting your service but are still considering their options.
  • Purchase: The final stage that all you business owners want. The potential customer becomes an active buyer or user of your product or services.

Different stages of the funnel require distinct marketing strategies. By recognizing the unique needs of customers at each phase, businesses can create personalized, effective interactions that drive conversions.

Top of the Funnel Keywords In Google Ads & Bing Ads

Top of the Funnel Keywords: Building Awareness

Top of the Funnel Keywords are designed to attract a wide audience, creating awareness about a brand, product, or service. They often align with the early stages of a buyer’s journey, where people are identifying their needs or problems.

Characteristics of Top Funnel Keywords

  • Broad and General: These keywords are usually more general and less specific.
  • High Search Volume: Often have a higher search volume but lower conversion rates.
  • Ex: “Hair cutting tools”, “Custom Cars”, “
  • Educational Intent: Mainly used to provide information and educate the audience.
  • Ex: “How much does xxx cost?”, “How will xxx help me”, “Why do I need xxx to situate my problem”

Mistakes To Avoid Using Top Of The Funnel Keywords

  • Overly Broad Targeting: Leads to low conversion. Focus on relevancy.
  • Ignoring Competition: Research the competitive landscape for these keywords.
Middle of the Funnel Keywords In Google Ads & Bing Ads

Middle of the Funnel Keywords: Consideration

Middle of the Funnel Keywords target prospects who are already aware of their needs and are looking for solutions. This stage is all about nurturing leads and building trust.

Characteristics of Middle Of The Funnel Keywords

  • More Specific: Keywords here are more detailed and related to potential solutions.
  • Moderate Search Volume: Usually, these have moderate search volume and conversion rates.
  • Investigative Intent: Aimed at users looking to investigate potential solutions.
Bottom Of The Funnel Keywords In Google Ads & Bing Ads

Bottom of the Funnel Keywords: Ready To Buy

Bottom of the Funnel Keywords are the final push towards conversion. They target individuals who have moved through the awareness and consideration stages and are now ready to make a purchase decision.

Characteristics of Bottom Of The Funnel Keywords

  • Highly Specific: These keywords are often product or service-specific.
  • Lower Search Volume: Typically have a lower search volume but higher conversion rates.
  • Transactional Intent: Aimed at users looking to purchase or sign up.

Our Recommendation On Which Keywords To Use.

Here at Blue Sky Advertisement, we usually follow these simple rules for using the different kinds of keyword funnel types:

If the client has a small budget and is a service industry we target only bottom of the funnel keywords

if the client has a medium sized budget we set up a bottom of the funnel keyword theme and a middle-of-the-funnel keyword theme or a separate campaign. Medium of the funnel keywords can also help you get more data on what type of search queries bring in conversions.

If the client’s service or product is not very well known or people have not heard of it before we set up a top of the funnel Google Ads or Bing Ads keyword theme. Usually using broad and phrase match keywords.

What kind of keywords you should use is highly based on your Google Ads or Bings Ads budget.

Looking for a Google Ads Management Company? We have been in the game for over 4 years and manage over 25+ accounts ranging from service industries to eCommerce.


These keywords represent different stages in the buyer’s journey. Top of the funnel targets awareness, middle focuses on consideration, and bottom aims at conversions.

By focusing on essential design elements like user-friendliness, responsive design, visual appeal, and SEO optimization, you can build a budget-friendly yet effective website.

Tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, and specific keyword tracking platforms can assist in researching, implementing, and managing funnel keywords.

Mistakes include targeting too broad or too competitive keywords, ignoring user intent, neglecting the user experience, and failing to regularly analyze and update keyword strategies.

By tracking metrics such as conversion rate, click-through rate, ROI, and aligning them with business objectives, you can measure the success and effectiveness of your strategy.