The Start of Blue Sky Advertisement


 Expecting someone in a suit? I am sorry that I got your hopes up. My name is Chrispien Mancino. Born and raised in Ohio moved to Vegas when I was 14. Got married to my wife Ayane (The beautiful women in the photo) just over a year ago. Best thing to ever happen to me.

 I made “Blue Sky Advertisement LLC” back in 2020 when “Corona” started up. The reason for me starting up the business is I was working at a Pawn Shop when I had to return back to the states (I was living in Japan). The owner of the Pawn Shop was paying massive amounts for advertising, but wasn’t getting the results that he would had liked at the time. After I started my Google Ads journey I ended up within a 3 month period, we ended up increasing the loan base by almost double.

 That’s when I fell in love with the numbers game. Since then, I have been hooked. I love helping other businesses sky rocket their revenue. I believe business is not about “money” its about “relationship building”. If there is no you there is no me type thing. Trust me money does make live a hell of a lot easier. I used to play a ton of video games, but ever since I started doing web design I pretty much completely stopped. I get a lot of joy from creating websites (Except for fixing margins or padding lol). 

Chrispien Mancino – Owner, Web Designer, Google Ads and SEO Specialist

Ayane Mancino – Web Designer, Icon & Gif Creation, Children’s Book

I look forward to us working together!